Blood sugar control,Diabetes Remission,Diabetes Prevention,Diabetes complications screening.

Diabetes remission refers to a state in which an individual with diabetes achieves normal blood sugar levels without the use of medication. This can be achieved through various means such as changes in diet, exercise, weight loss, and/or weight loss surgery. Type 2 diabetes, on the other hand, is a usually condition where the body becomes resistant to insulin, and it can often be managed with lifestyle changes and medication.

Make an Appointment

Type 2 diabetes remission can be achieved through lifestyle changes such as weight loss, increased physical activity, and a healthy diet. It's important to note that diabetes remission is not a cure, and individuals who achieve remission must continue to monitor their blood sugar levels and make healthy lifestyle choices to maintain their remission status.

We, at our clinic, have achieved remission in many eligible patients by prescribing sustainable diet and a structured program over months.

Patient Reviews

Somesh Patil Sapkal

The hospital offers excellent quality hygiene and treatment. Doctors treat each patient very well.

Parthasarthi Joshi

Very much satisfied with the results.. Was able to loose almost 12 kg weight within 3 months..

Swati Pawar

Doctor is very knowledgeable, polite and soft spoken.

Vaibhav Ganesh Hamand

Too much knowledgeable Doctor and very good treatment

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